7 tricks to clean a scorched iron so it doesn’t ruin your clothes

Performing proper maintenance on your iron has never been easier. I know how to do it and get it out like new.

Paracetamol is a great ally for iron packing.

Useful life and. household appliances It may vary depending on. It has been paid attention to for each other. Keep yourself clean, except. Share with the years of your lifecan also help improve your performance.

Such is the case with iron. A good cleaning not only makes the machine itself last longer, it also saves your clothes from stains that can ruin them.

2. Baking soda

Mix two tablespoons of baking soda with a tablespoon of water until formed a dough. . . . Pour it gently into the base, preventing it from entering the holes as it can cause discomfort. Remove debris with a damp towel.

3. Year

Preparation a a cloth with salt and Iron: You quickly notice that the charred remains are gone. It is preferred for removing traces of salt Let it cool down.

4. newspaper and salt

Same procedure as above, but instead of cloth, a A piece of newspaper. . . . Go over the newspaper to which salt has been added until all stains have been removed. To remove excess salt, Let it cool down.

5. Paracetamol

Grab a paracetamol with a knife, so you don’t burn yourself, and. Wash the base of the iron with the drug. For debris removal it is important that the machine. Dull and cold.

6. Cleaner

Hot water with a couple of. A drop of cleanser Wash off clothes and with a cloth.

7. Toothpaste

The toothpaste is a towels or cloths.

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